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16 search results

  • Formatting: How do I change the font for an entire screenplay?
    Answer: What you probably don't want to do is just Select All and hit the Font button — that will apply a new font over any ...
  • Formatting: Enter and Tab key behavior
    Answer: You can customize the default behavior of the Enter and/or Tab key for a given element style under Format > Element Styles > Modify Element Style. For instance, if ...
  • Formatting: What parameters are available to customize an element style?
    Answer: The following aspects of an element style can be customized under Format > Element Styles > Modify Element Style, whether it is a built-in or ...
  • Formatting: Is there a ruler like Word or Final Draft?
    Answer: To show the ruler for a single line, you can use Format > Adjust Line Length.  The ruler will automatically show for any element that has ...
  • Formatting: Why is my script a different length than in Final Draft?
    Answer: When importing a Final Draft screenplay into Fade In, the resulting page count may be different. There are several reasons this can happen: Margins and indents - ...
  • General: Unicode/international language PDF output
    Answer: The short answer If you are writing in Unicode (i.e., a non-English language, using emojis, etc.) and experience problems with text rendering correctly when attempting to ...
  • General: Can Fade In open Final Draft screenplays?
    Answer: Fade In Professional Screenwriting Software can open a wide range of documents format, including Final Draft. Final Draft version 8 (.fdx) documents can be imported and ...
  • Formatting: Dual dialogue
    Answer: To format dialogue by two characters as dual dialogue (i.e., simultaneously spoken), simply select/place the insertion point on the first character element and select Format > ...
  • Formatting: Inserting a page break
    Answer: You can insert a page break by placing the insertion point on an element and selecting Format > Page Break Before. To remove page break ...
  • General: Bad formatting/punctuation alignment on Windows
    Answer: If you are seeing misalignment of formatting (such as bold and italics) or of punctuation (such as the parentheses before and after a Parenthetical element), ...
  • Formatting: How to cheat or adjust page and line length
    Answer: There are a number of things that you can do to adjust (or cheat) page and line length. 1. Use Format > Adjust Line Length and either ...
  • Formatting: Creating a custom template
    Answer: It's easy to create a custom template with your own setup, including element styles, customized autocompletions for Scene Intros, Scene Times, Character Extensions, etc., and ...
  • Formatting: Why is (cont'd) after dialog lowercase when in Final Draft it is (CONT'D)?
    Answer: Interesting story: First of all, the reason Final Draft does it that way seems to be that since it adds it as part of the Character ...
  • General: Windows Alt+NumPad combinations aren't working
    Answer: On Windows, you can use Alt+NumPad combinations to type accented or other Unicode characters. If for this seems to not be working — and particularly if it's ...
  • Formatting: How to override "(cont'd)" after a Character element
    Answer: To remove all occurrences of "(cont'd)" to indicate the same character speaking again, you can turn it off under Document > More and Continued. To override only a single occurrence, ...
  • General: How to make scene headings bold
    Answer: Go to Format > Element Styles > Modify Element Style, select Scene Heading, then Font and make sure the Bold checkbox is checked. If you want to make this is ...