Let's take a look at the total cost of owning Fade In for vs. owning Final Draft for, say, four years, including keeping it up to date.
The regular price for purchasing Final Draft directly from the company website is $249.99. (Although in the past you've been able to spend even more depending on where you bought it.) In the past four years (as of this writing), Final Draft has released two version upgrades. Each upgrade has regularly cost an additional $99.99.
That's a cost for owning Final Draft and keeping it up to date for four years of: $249.99 + $99.99 + $99.99 = $449.97
The price for Fade In is $79.95. And updates are free, and frequent.
So the cost of owning Fade In for that same period of time and keeping it up to date is: $79.95. That's it.
That's less than 1/5 the cost of Final Draft. That's even less than the cost of a single Final Draft update.
Now, which would you rather pay? Click here to buy Fade In today.