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For the quickest answer to any Fade In questions, check out the easily searchable Fade In Knowledge Base, or ask us here:

The current full version of Fade In is 4.1.1. The list of recent changes is here.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get Fade In Professional Screenwriting Software?

Fade In is available for Windows Windows, macOS Mac, and Linux Linux. Fade In Mobile (see below) is available for Android Android and iOS iOS (iPhone/iPad).

First download the free demo version and take it for a test drive. Then purchase the full version. You'll receive your personalized registration and download information by email. Download the full version, then enter your user name and registration key from the email by selecting Register from the Help menu.

Will it work on my computer?

The system requirements for Windows, Mac, and Linux computers can be found on the Download page. You can download the demo version for free to try it out.

Is the demo fully functional?

The demonstration version available from the Download page includes all of the features found in the full version (aside of collaboration), although it will pop up a registration reminder after 10 pages, and includes a watermark on printed scripts.

Why is the software still asking me to register?

Please make sure you've downloaded the full version of the software from your personalized download link (from the email you received at purchase time) and entered your user name and registration key under Help > Register. Please note that the demo version won't allow you to enter your registration information.

Are updates free?

You bet they are. Buy the current version and get updates for it at no charge.

What's new in the latest version?

You can find that out right here.

Can I install it on more than one computer?

Yes, you can. You will be supplied personalized download and registration information at the time of purchase. Your individual license allows you to install the software on your own computer(s) running Windows, Mac, and Linux.

(Please note, however, that Mac App Store purchases are limited to Mac and do not include a registration key. In that case you can install the software on your own computer(s) using the same purchasing Apple ID.)

For multiuser or site licensing, please see here.

What font should I use?

For screenplay documents, it is recommended to use a screenplay-specific Courier font. These can be found on the Download page under "Extras".

Does it work with Final Draft files?

Indeed it does. The software can import and export the latest Final Draft .fdx format with ease. Choose File > Import > Final Draft. To save your screenplay as a Final Draft .fdx file, use File > Export.)

Take a look at the list of features to see more of what Fade In Professional Screenwriting Software can do.

Fade In Mobile

What is Fade In Mobile?

Fade In Mobile is a separate app for iOS (iPhone/iPad) and Android available for purchase ($4.99 USD; there's also a free version to try out called Fade In Mobile Basic). While it doesn't provide the full range of features of Fade In Professional Screenwriting Software, Fade In Mobile does offer streamlined viewing and editing functionality for reading, writing, and editing on the go.

Where can I get it?

Fade In Mobile Basic: Android or iPhone/iPad

Fade In Mobile (full version): Android or iPhone/iPad

What's the difference between Fade In Mobile and Fade In Mobile Basic?

Fade In Mobile Basic is essentially a free trial or demo version of Fade In Mobile. While you can create new screenplays with the free version and edit them on your device, screenplays imported with the free version are read-only. If you try Fade In Mobile Basic, like how it works, and plan to use it with real writing projects, you'll probably want to upgrade to the full version of Fade In Mobile.