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Fade In Professional Screenwriting Software is a complete application for writing motion picture screenplays, including tools for outlining, organizing, and navigating, plus extensive screenplay formatting and robust tools for managing rewrites and revisions.

(For the most recent changes, see here.)

Fully featured application interface

macOS thumbnail Windows thumbnail Linux thumbnail
It features a universal, state-of-the-art application interface. It does everything professional screenwriters need and expect their software to do, and it does it on Mac, Windows, and Linux — providing an optimal experience no matter what platform you use. (Fade In Mobile is also available for iPhone, iPad, and Android.)

Extensive formatting capabilities

Format thumbnail The software takes care of script formatting for you, automatically transitioning from scene headings to action to dialogue as you type. It includes a full range of standard screenplay styles: you can use the built-in default styles, customize them, or create your own. Control all aspects of page layout and appearance, and even tweak individual linelengths with a single keypress.
Everything you'd expect from a word processing application is only a mouse-click or keystroke away.

Autocomplete typing

Autocomplete thumbnailThe software keeps track of the character names and locations you use and can provide as-you-type autocompletion suggestions. The lists of characters and locations can be customized, sorted, and rebuilt. There are also autocomplete lists for scene intros (INT., EXT., etc.), scene times (DAY, NIGHT, etc.) and more. You can even change character names smartly and automatically.
Spend less time typing and more time writing.


Collaboration thumbnail With Fade In's real-time collaboration capabilities, you can work on the same screenplay at the same time with multiple collaborators, no matter where they are in the world. Unlike other software that only allows one person to actually work on a document at a time, Fade In allows collaborators to work independently, with changes being reflected in all collaborators' copies in real time.

Image support

Image thumbnail Fade In allows you to insert images directly into your document, whether on the title page or within a screenplay itself.

Organization and navigation

Synopsis thumbnail You're not limited to organizing your screenplay by scenes and index cards. You can organize it and color-code it however you like, marking significant sequences, plot points, themes, characters, and other story elements so you'll always have a clear overview of your work.
Use the Navigator to quickly move around your script, reorder scenes, and created nested sequences. Create bookmarks and links to quickly reference different parts of the document.

No distractions

Fullscreen thumbnailA page-only, no-distractions, full-screen mode allows you to concentrate on the most important thing: writing. An additional focused writing mode lets everything else fade into the background except what you're working on right now.

Support for multiple file formats

FD import thumbnail Importing and exporting multiple file formats is easy with support for everything from text to HTML to Open Screenplay Format XML.
Opening, editing, and saving Final Draft (.fdx) documents is a snap — as is importing (and exporting) Rich Text Format (.rtf) (such as from Movie Magic Screenwriter), opening older versions of Final Draft (.fdr), working with Fountain, and opening Scrivener, Adobe Story and Celtx files.

Powerful writing (and rewriting) tools

Dialogue thumbnail Rewriting is a huge part of writing, and Fade In provides a specialized set of tools to help do both.
Use the Dialogue Tuner to see and edit all of a single character's dialogue in one place to check for consistency and voice. Plus check word-use frequency to find overused words, automatically adjust line lengths to avoid an extra couple of letters turning one line into two, and much more.


Revisions thumbnail A necessity for a professional screenwriter during the rewriting process is being able to manage revisions, page locking, scene locking, omitted scenes and more.
You can even view, edit and print/PDF modified pages on colored "paper" in any one of multiple standard revision colors.

Breakdowns, reports, and tagging

Reports thumbnailReports thumbnail
Easily generate industry standard script breakdowns and production reports. Standard reports include scenes, cast, locations, and more. Reports can be printed or saved as HTML or generic comma-separated values for import into other applications.

Get mobile

iPhone thumbnailWork on the go with Fade In Mobile, available separately for iPhone, iPad, and Android.
Fade In Mobile allows you to import your scripts from Fade In Professional Screenwriting Software, edit them on your device, then export them again without any loss of content.

Cloud storage

Save your scripts via multiple supported online services in order to sync with Fade In Mobile (or of course access them from anywhere).

Open file format

Unlike screenwriting applications that use a proprietary binary storage format, Fade In uses the Open Screenplay Format: a straightforward, application-agnostic XML-based file format for saving your scripts, providing maximum accessibility, compatibility, and future-proofing.

And more

Output directly to PDF. Batch generate securely watermarked copies. Customize the application layout. Edit your title page. Add sticky notes. Easily modify page layout and formatting elements like “(MORE)” and “(cont’d)”. Check scripts for formatting errors and compare versions. Live spell-checking, custom user dictionaries, language tools, extensive font and Unicode support, and integrated help.
And even more to come.